Cod Modern Warfare 2: What is the invion mode and how it works

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Extends its usual experience package in the saga. Artificial intelligence joins the battle with the rest of the players in the so-called invion mode. Somehow the study seeks to complement the clsic land war in an pect where neophytes are more likely to fit into the contest. We tell you everything you should know about him.

What is the invion mode in COD Modern Warfare 2, and how does it work?


The Invion mode faces two teams of 20 players while accompanied by squadrons controlled by artificial intelligence. The main objective is to reach 2000 points a team; The first to do so will win the game, or the one you have the most before that figure at the end of the time counter.

You will get points for each cualty you get, vehicle that incapacity or low enemy streak that destroys. In the center of the screen you will see the points counter that you have added to the box of your equipment bed on what you have achieved at that specific moment.

There are several key moments during the game that should not go unnoticed. You will see notices that will add military muscle to your team, either in the form of new battles, help packages or squads that land reinforcements. Take advantage of them before a rival can steal them.

Your equipment must be consistent with the type of way you face. In this link we tell you which are the best weapons available in the multiplayer during the preseon. Given the length of the clhes, it is best to throw towards an sault rifle or precision rifle, especially the second. soon you place a high level of zoom you will cover are more eily. Remember that from chest up you will only need a bullet to kill, long the reach of your precision rifle is the ideal 1. Take advantage of Armed 2.0 to add the accessories that will make a leap to your weapon.


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