All R & D papers funded by US government

In the future, papers that are the results of the R & D tasks, which have been funded by the US government, are immediately disclosed to the public immediately.

The White House Science and Technology Policy Office (OSTP) recently announced a policy to revise the relevant policy to disclose the results of the R & D, which received US public funding by 2025 for federal departments and institutions that execute research funds to the public by 2025. did.

In particular, the existing grace period is also abolished to allow 12 months to be sold for 12 months of papers calculated by the for-profit journal.

As a result, the public will be able to easily access the US government funding support papers, which is nearly 10% of the scientific papers from all over the world. The OSTP estimated that in 2020, the US government's support for research funds was estimated to have 195,000 to 263,000 papers. This accounts for 7-9%of 2.9 million papers from all over the world.

The United States has been taking policies to expand public disclosure of academic information since the time of its former President Reagan in the 1980s. Former President Obama issued a guideline in 2013 to expand the public disclosure of the research results that received government support for federal ministries and institutions that executed more than $ 100 million in R & D. At that time, more than 20 institutions were subject to this guideline.

The US National Cancer Research Institute has released a paper supported by the 2019 Cancer Moonshot Research Program. The journalists published a study on Corona 19 in 2020 so that they can be approached by open access for a limited time.

President Biden, who served as vice president in the Obama administration, expanded the new guidelines to the entire government agency that executed R & D funds. It also abolishes a one-year suspension policy that was conducted to appease the repulsion of journalists at the time.

President Biden has been active in the public public policy of academic papers. He also criticized the US Cancer Research Association in 2016 that every year, US citizens' taxes are spent on cancer research, and most published papers can only be paid to subscribe.

In Europe, 'Court', a consortium for academic support organizations, is pursuing an open access policy called 'Plan S' with the goal of entering 2025. In Korea, there is a growing voice that the open access of research achievements, which has been supported by the Korea Research Foundation and the General, should be enacted.

However, the guidelines of the White House OSTP are missing details such as publishing any papers and taking a profit model. It is also cautious, using the expression 'public access' instead of 'Open Access', which means a free access to academic information.

United The facts of major journalists who were moving in the direction of maximizing profits while reflecting the open access flow were also complicated. Some journalists have a small proportion of papers supported by government funds, and some libraries are different from academic members, such as a subscription intention to subscribe to a journal with a search function or a user environment.

Science said, It is difficult to predict what financial impacts will affect journalists, publishers, and researchers. He cited the remarks of the microbial society CEO.


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