Czech New Photos of No Way Home

Although Spider-Man: No Way Home is probably the most anticipated movie of the year, Marvel and Disney have kept any information related to this tape. Fortunately, this has changed today, since we finally have a new look at the new adventure of this character.

By means of Entertainment Weekly, Marvel shared two new images of the tape. In the first we can see Spider-Man next to MJ, this surely happens at the beginning of the tape. On the other hand, the second photograph is starring the spiderman and Dr. Strage . Along with this, Tom Holland, the main paper manager, has revealed what was the approach of him at the time of working on this tape:

In the first movie, [the director] Jon Watts and I were flying. In this, I think we both felt really confident, so we could relax. In fact, we have fun much more in this than in the previous two.

We were all trying [No Way Home] as the end of a franchise, let s say. I think that if we had the luck to immerse ourselves in these characters again, we would see a very different version. It would no longer be the homecoming trilogy. We would give you some time and we would try to build something different and change the tone of the movies. If that happens or not, I do not know. But we were definitely dealing with [no way home] as if he were coming to an end, and he felt like that.

Considering that eternals and the hawkeye series will arrive before Spider-Man: no way home , is very likely to spend some time before seeing a new progress of this tape , in order to avoid some kind of spoiler. However, in November will surely begin the advertising campaign to everything it gives.

Spider-Man: No Way Home will be released on December 17 . On related topics, there is already an actor for Adam Warlock in the MCU. Similarly, Agatha Harkess could have her own series.

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Via: Entertainment Weekly


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